
Insurance Brokers and Consultants


Rivers Insurance Group offers continuing education to Certified Public Accounts wishing to learn more about the insurance industry, allowing them to better serve their clients and help satisfy state mandates on continuing education requirements. Participants who complete one of a multiple of two-hour programs will earn two continuing education units (CEUs). Programs are available on-site.

Having started his career in public accounting and earned his CPA, Rivers Insurance founder Harvey Topitz understands the need for CPAs to remain current with the many complexities of insurance in order to fully support business clients. As a fully-licensed insurance broker with nearly 30 years experience in the property casualty arena, he has the cross-industry knowledge to help accountants broaden their expertise and increase the value of the services they provide their clients.

The following video is made availaable as part of our "Continuing Education" Program. It addresses the following subject:

"New York Evaluating Certificates of Insurance Problems"
When clients ask insurance agents to alter certificates of insurance, it can create a lot of legal and liability issues. In New York, where it’s a major problem, some lawmakers are considering penalizing clients for even asking for changes. It could go a long way to eliminating a lot of those problems, says Dick Poppa, head of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York.

See our recent "Continuing Education" Press Release

For more information call 973.588.4167.

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Harvey S. Topitz , President

Mail: PO Box 6232

Parsippany, NJ 07054

Offices: 2001 Route 46 Waterview Plaza Suite 310 Parsippany, New Jersey 07054

973-588-4167 Office

866-445-0385 Fax

973-886-3975 Mobile